| Englisch | Deutsch | |
| motion-picture show F The Rocky Horror Picture Show [Jim Sharman] | The Rocky Horror Pic Show | |
Teilweise Übereinstimmung |
| RadioTV F The Muppet Show [Jim Henson] | Muppet Show | |
| film F The Last Picture Evidence [PeterBogdanovich] | Die letzte Vorstellung | |
| picture show testify [obs.] | Filmtheater {n} [veraltet] | |
| moving picture F The Boxer [Jim Sheridan] | Der Boxer | |
| motion picture F The Field [Jim Sheridan] | Das Feld | |
| film F The Big Easy [Jim McBride] | The Big Easy - Der große Leichtsinn | |
| film F The Peachy Muppet Caper [Jim Henson] | Der große Muppet Krimi | |
| film F The Limits of Control [Jim Jarmusch] | The Limits of Control [auch:Der geheimnisvolle Killer] | |
| film F The Lizzie McGuire Movie [Jim Fall] | Popstar auf Umwegen | |
| film F Year of the Horse [Jim Jarmusch] | Year of the Horse | |
| film F Night of the Demons III [Jim Kaufman] | Demon Dark | |
| picture show F The Night Crystal [Jim Henson, Frank Oz] | Der dunkle Kristall | |
| film F The Valley of Gwangi [Jim O'Connolly] | Gwangis Rache | |
| film F In the Proper noun of the Father [Jim Sheridan] | Im Namen des Vaters | |
| picture show F The Way, Fashion Dorsum [NatFaxon, Jim Rash] | Ganz weit hinten | |
| Oh the horror! [hum.] | O Graus! [hum.] | |
| moving-picture show F The Amityville Horror [StuartRosenberg] | Amityville Horror | |
| film F The Amityville Horror [AndrewDouglas] [2005] | Amityville Horror – Eine wahre Geschichte | |
| moving picture F The Horror of Frankenstein [JimmySangster] | Frankensteins Schrecken | |
| lit. quote The horror! The horror! [Eyeof Darkness] | Das Grauen! Das Grauen! | |
| lit. F The Compleat Motherfucker: A History of the Mother of All Muddy Words [Jim Dawson] | Motherfucker: Dice Geschichte der Mutter aller schmutzigen Wörter | |
| film F The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle [DesMcAnuff] | Dice Abenteuer von Rocky & Bullwinkle | |
| I was horror-stricken to hear the dreadful news. | Mich packte das kalte Grausen, als ich die schreckliche Nachricht hörte. | |
| film F Ewoks: The Battle for Endor [Jim Wheat & Ken Wheat] | Ewoks – Kampf um Endor | |
| film F Hammer Firm of Horror - The Children of the Total Moon [TomClegg] | Gefrier-Schocker - Kinder des Vollmonds | |
| lit. F The Great and Hole-and-corner Prove: The First Volume of "The Art" [CliveBarker] | Jenseits des Bösen | |
| comp. tech. picture-in-picture {adj} [attr.] <PiP> | Bild-in-Bild- <BiB-> | |
| in the picture {adv} | auf dem Bild | |
| the large motion picture | das große Ganze {n} | |
| to get the motion-picture show [coll.] | kapieren [ugs.] | |
| The movie is crooked. | Das Bild hängt schief. | |
| to come into the pic | sichtbar werden | |
| fine art photo. background of the picture | Bildhintergrund {g} | |
| centre of the picture | Bildmitte {f} | |
| picture in the paper | Zeitungsfoto {northward} | |
| picture of the Madonna | Madonnenbild {n} | |
| to add to the moving picture [fig.] | das Bild vervollständigen [fig.] | |
| to come into the moving picture [idiom] | in Erscheinung treten [Redewendung] | |
| to come into the picture [idiom] | ins Spiel kommen [Redewendung] | |
| to come into the moving picture [idiom] | mitspielen [fig.] [insSpiel kommen] | |
| to see the bigger picture [idiom] | den Blick über den (eigenen) Gartenzaun werfen [Redewendung] | |
| to see the bigger picture [idiom] | über den Tellerrand hinaus schauen [Redewendung] | |
| center of the movie [Am.] | Bildmitte {f} | |
| heart of the pic [Br.] | Bildmitte {f} | |
| relig. picture of the Virgin Mary | Marienbild {n} | |
| film F Star Trek: The Movement Picture | Star Trek: Der Moving-picture show | |
| pic F The Big Picture [ChristopherGuest] | The Big Picture | |
| to put sb. in the motion picture [idiom] | jdn. ins Bild setzen [Redewendung] | |
| to put sb.in the picture [idiom] | jdn. ins Bild setzen [Idiom] [informieren,einweisen] | |
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